Must-have apps for stay at home moms (making your life easier)
Make staying at home with your kids as fun and efficient as possible.
Being a stay at home mom is a very rewarding job – I am one myself.
But let’s be honest: It can get very exhausting, emotionally and physically draining and straight up boring sometimes.
It is OK to feel like this – we all do.
Stay at home moms don’t get much adult interaction on a daily basis and a ton of work to do around the house.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a few helpful apps to make your life as a stay at home mom easier?
Check out this list of helpful stay at home mom apps in different categories:
Quick tip before you start reading: Make sure you use your phone to check this post out so you can download any app you like right away.
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Apps for socializing
Since stay at home moms are mostly at home there is not much socializing going on.
Especially if you don’t know many other moms in your area or you just don’t have the money to go places with your kids.
These apps can help you find new friends and playdates in your area.
1. Peanut
Peanut is an app designed exclusively for moms.
You could say it is the tinder for mom friends. (I’m saying that cause you actually swipe up or down on suggestions)
Once you sign up you can add some basic information about yourself including the city you live in and the app will five you suggestions for new mom friends based on the same age of kids, interests and your own age.
It is a pretty handy tool and also has a forum where you can discuss all kinds of parenting related topics with moms all over the world.
2. Nextdoor
Nextdoor is an app for local neighborhoods.
When you sign up you will have to include your address to verify you live in the neighborhood and will then get a postcard sent to you with the verification code.
Once you add that to the app you can see which one of your direct neighbors are also on the app.
You can see news for your own neighborhood and a few neighborhoods around you.
This is super helpful to warn other neighbors about suspicious activities, find yard sales and lost pets.
It can also be a great way to find other moms that live right next door.
You can also login to your nextdoor account from a computer when you don’t have your phone on you.
Nextdoor has a bunch of people in our neighborhood and has been a source of very helpful information from neighbors and our local police department that posts on the app.
3. MamaLeave
This is another great app to find moms in your area to hang out with and connect with.
It is designed to help you and other moms find playdates on your own schedule.
4. Social Mom
No men allowed – this app makes clear that it is only for moms.
You have to add your phone number to the app for verification purposes and then you can start to find and meet other local moms, participate in fun activities and post any questions you may have or read through the chat.
The app also let’s local businesses post deals for moms to save some money while out and about.
5. Hey! Vina
Hey Vina is a matching app for women in general to find new girl friends.
It was originally designed for women that just relocated to a new city to connect and find new friends.
The goal of this app is to create a community of empowering and awesome women with the same interests.
6. Facebook
You are probably on facebook right now.
Since almost everyone has facebook nowadays it is a great place to find new people too.
Within the app you can find tons of local groups or just make your own group to connect with other moms in the area to meet for playdates or a girls night out without kids.
This might also be interesting for you:
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Apps for staying productive and organizing
1. Out of milk
This is probably the most useful app for grocery shopping that ever existed.
You can add products to shop for on your list as simple as just scanning the barcode of the empty box or bottle.
It let’s you add items from your shopping history and can be shared to other people which is great when your husband is supposed to pick up a few things on the way home from work.
Super convenient for busy moms.
2. Cozi
The Cozi app is a full family organizer for various things you need to keep in mind all in one place.
From doctors appointments to school events or zoom class schedules and playdate to grocery lists it is here to make a moms life super simple.
3. Ibotta
Let me start by saying I love Ibotta.
Ibotta is probably the biggest cash back app for all your shopping needs no matter if you are shopping online or in the store and what I love most is that it covers a huge variety of brands for groceries meaning you can save money on your weekly grocery bill.
Only downside?
You have to add the deals to your list before you go shopping and make sure to buy the right size and quantity to get the cash back.
4. Fetch Rewards
This is pretty much doing the same job as ibotta with the difference that you don’t have to add anything upfront.
When you are done shopping all you have to do is taking a picture of your recipe from the store and whatever deals they have currently going on will automatically be added and you earn points.
These points can then be used for gift cards online and in stores around you.
I like to use fetch rewards whenever I do our weekly groceries.
5. Waze
Did you ever drive and then get stuck in traffic wishing you would’ve known what’s ahead?
Waze will be your new best friend – It is a map similar to google maps but with live traffic updates from other users making it super easy for you to decide to use an alternative route or stay on the route you are currently driving.
It can also show you a live map with reported traffic incidents or road work so you can plan ahead.
In addition to that Waze now also has a carpool app that can help you save money by sharing the ride with someone else.
(please be careful when you do that, in our world now you never know)
6. You need a budget (YNAB)
YNAB is a app that let’s you – how the name tells you – make a budget.
It is great if you try to break the paycheck to paycheck living cycle or want to save up for a house down payment, that car you always wanted or just to have a buffer for when things get difficult.
You can try it for free during their 34 day trial period and it can be used on smartphones as well as the computer and a few other cool gadgets like the apple smartwatch.
7. Ebates (Rakuten)
Another great and very popular cash back app is Ebates.
Besides giving you cash back on your purchases you can even get some money back from lyft rides.
The app also shows you great deals and coupon codes you can use online and in store.
8. Flipp
Calling all the couponers and deal lovers – Flipp is the app for you.
This app shows you all the ads for stores around you so you can easily plan where you want to go shopping for the best deal possible to get the most bang out of your buck.
And as if that wasn’t enough it also shows you great coupons AND shows you where to get that product for the coupon at what price.
You can then clip it to your shopping list and print everything when you are done.
I have seen most coupons for the pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens where you can save big with a loyalty card.
Apps that help you keep your sanity (Entertainment)
1. Youtube
Have you ever gone down the youtube rabbit holw finding one video after another and all of a sudden it’s already 2 AM?
Yeah, been there too often.
But sometimes that is just what a busy mom needs to come down and relax after a long day.
Youtube kids also has great shows for kids of all ages.
2. Netflix
I don’t know what I would do without Netflix.
Not only can I find awesome shows and movies to watch for myself to just sit down and enjoy after my toddler is in bed – netflix also has a huge variety of shows and movies for kids of all ages.
We always try to watch something educational.
3. Disney Plus
You can’t imagine my excitement when Disney plus came out.
Or maybe you can.
I mean, who doesn’t love disney movies?
And even if I had to watch Frozen for probably 1000000 times already it is a great tool to keep my toddler entertained for a little while so I can do some house chores that just won’t get done with her running around.
4. Pandora
This is a must have app for music lovers.
All you need to do is start up the pandora app and start listening to your favorite music.
You can connect your phone to a bluetooth speaker and dance the baby shark with your kid or listen to your favorite song while doing chores around the house.
We always like to do a bubble dance party with fun music and bubbles that I blow over my dancing kid.
Apps for Pregnancy and new moms
1. Ovia Pregnancy
I used and loved this app when I was pregnant.
Ovia has their fertility app (that can also be used to just get in sync with your cycle and actually use it to find days that are safe) and their pregnancy app.
On the pregnancy app you can track the process of your pregnancy including interesting information, track symptoms and get an estimate of how big baby’s at the stage of pregnancy are and what your body is doing right now plus they have a community where you can ask and answer questions anonymously.
It’s a really fun and informative app especially for new moms.
2. Perifit
When I first heard about this app I thought it was hilarious – perifit is an actual kegel trainer device that you insert and then it connects with the app to help you train your pelvic floor back to its old glory with games and other fun stuff.
Training your pelvic floor has a lot of positive effects after having a baby.
3. CDC’s Milestone tracker
Like the name already tells you this app comes straight from the CDC (Center of disease control and prevention) and helps you track your baby’s development.
When you download the app you can add some basic information like age and weight of your child and the milestone tracker will show you if the development is normal.
Besides that is has helpful videos and information about what a baby should be able to do at certain ages and what you can do to help your baby’s development.
Even now with my toddler I still use and love the app.
4. Baby Connect
If you are a new mom that likes to have everything super organized when it comes to your baby this is the app for your.
Baby connect lets you track your baby’s sleep, feedings, diaper changes and so much more making it easy to answer the questions doctors ask on those first checkup visits.
You can even connect it to Siri or Amazon Alexa and make entries via voice.
5. Sprout Pregnancy
Another great app to keep up with every change that is going on with your body through pregnancy.
Like the ovia app it gives you estimated data on how big your baby is and what is currently developed.
This might also be interesting for you:
– How to save money on groceries
– Fun Activities for kids at home
– DIY Busy book with free printables
Apps for shopping from home
1. Amazon
I mean, who doesn’t love to shop on amazon?
It just makes it so easy to get everything you could possibly need in as little as two days if you have their prime membership (You can try prime free for 30 days!)
Like to know it is a great way to find those absolutely adorable outfits influencers on instagram are wearing or products they are using.
You can also find great deals and products from pretty much every online store out there.
If you are on there make sure to follow me: @allaboutbabyblog
3. Doordash
Feeling too tired to cook and also don’t want to drive anywhere to get food?
Well you don’t need to – Doordash partners with lots of local restaurants and fast food chains to get your food delivered to your door.
If you do order please make sure to tip your driver though.
4. Instacart
No matter if you simply don’t want to go grocery shopping, just need that one thing from the store on the other side of town or are not able to leave the house to get groceries yourself – let a instacart shopper go shopping for you and deliver your groceries directly to your door.
You can still add products and communicate with your shopper while they are in the store.
5. Groupon
It’s all about the deals – Groupon let’s you find great deals on everything from Zoo tickets to a spa day for mom for highly discounted prices.
All you have to do is sign up for a free account and make sure you read the small print for the deals (Some deals are just available for certain times).
I have seen amazing deals for tickets and fun stuff like horseback riding in our area.
And since we live close to wineries there’s tons of great deals for them too.
6. Offerup
Offerup is a great way to get rid of old toys and clothes or even furniture that is still in good condition and get some money out of it.
It’s basically a online thrift store where you can find local treasures and sell your own stuff instead of having a yard sale.
7. Boxed
Boxed is a app that you could probably compare to costco or samsclub – It le’s you shop in bulk and save money.
Boxed gives you wholesale prices that can be up to 91% lower compared to retail prices (say what?).
They even have a premium membership called boxed up that you can try for free with free shipping and 2% cash back on your purchases.
And the best part? You can have free samples with your order!
So if you have a big family this is something you should get right now.
8. Shop Savy
Another great app that let’s you see all the deals going on in stores around you and online plus it has a super helpful “when to buy” guide that tells you what time of the year certain products (for example gaming computers) are usually the cheapest.
Apps that help with your kids
1. Playground buddy
The name kinda gives it away already.
This app helps you find playgrounds around you wherever you are with photos so you can see if it is a good fit for your kid.
It even tells you what is on the playground – Let’s say your kid loves to swing then you can look for playgrounds that have swings before you go out.
The app also let’s you share a specific playground with details in case you want to set up a playdate.
2. Kids eat free
Let’s you find out what restaurants give meals to kids for free.
You can search for a radius of up to 30 miles around you for discounted or free kids meals to go and the app is free too.
This is gold for families with a lot of kids that still like to enjoy a good meal at a restaurant without breaking the bank or if you simply can’t afford it.
3. Urbansitter
This is probably the classic app to find a babysitter for your kids.
All registered babysitter on the app are background checked to make sure your kids are in good hands.
It is also great to find a tutor to help with school or distant learning.
You can have a babysitter for a last minute appointment or a long term nanny for when you go back to work.
4. Sit or Squat
A app developed by the big toilet paper brand “charmin” can be a serious lifesaver in case you have a freshly potty trained toddler with you that has to go at the most inconvenient time.
The app sit or squat helps you find a restroom nearby rated by their cleanliness to see where it’s better to sit or to squat.
You can rate and review bathrooms for others too.
5. Trekaroo
This app is all about traveling with your family.
You can find kid friendly hotels, activities and restaurants by destination that have reviews from other parents.
It can also help you plan your whole trip no matter where you want to go.
6. Artkive
I absolutely love this idea – Artkive will turn your kids art into a fun book.
How it works?
Simple – you collect the art your kid made (or the overfilling drawer with art pieces you already have) and send them to the company.
They will then professionally photograph everything and upload it to your account where you can view it wherever and whenever you want and will then send you all of the art collected in a printed book to your doorstep.
This is a great way to save those special art pieces in a small space instead of tons of paper all over the place.
It could also be a great gift for your kids later when they are already grown up.
Apps for family health and fitness
1. ZocDoc
Is a great app to find doctors in your network around you with reviews by real patients.
You can even book a virtual doctors appointment or in person appointment right within the app.
You can search by the doctor’s name or what condition you have, a specific radius around you and your insurance to find the perfect doctor for your needs.
2. Fitbit
Fitbit is the classic fitness tracker that counts your steps a day, calculates the calories you are burning and helps you achieve the fitness goals you want.
Besides the app you will need to get a fitbit device.
Once you bought your fitbit you set it up with your app and a few basic informations on what your goals are and your current weight and it’ll help you get to that goal.
3. 5 Minute Yoga
Yoga is a great way to start the day with stretching and breathing exercise that helps you relax and is said to help with stress and anxiety.
5 minute yoga gives you bite-sized yoga for whenever you can take a few minutes out of your busy schedule for self-care.
4. Headspace
The meditation app helps you escape from your stressful day and let go of all the tension in your body.
All you need is a few minutes of your day and a quiet place where you can sit down (or lay down) and relax.
I like to do meditations right before I go to bed to get the maximum of relaxation for a good night’s rest.
5. Sworkit
A classic workout app with fitness and workout plans that help you gain muscles, lose weight or simply get a more defined and toned body.
It’s super easy to use with video you can follow at a time that is most convenient for you.
It also let’s you completely customize your workout plan and has certified trainers available to answer your fitness questions.
6. Carezone
If you have to take a bunch of different medication or have a family member that is depending on medication Carezone makes your life a whole lot easier.
You can take pictures of all the medications to create a list of all the medications and set up trackers and reminders to take the medication when it is needed.
You can even have the medications sent to your door for free.
If you scan your health insurance card it can even find out if you can save more money.
Apps for Meal planning
1. Pepperplate
If you keep wondering what to make for dinner download this app asap.
It let’s you organize your own recipes or recipes you like online, let’s you set multiple timers for different parts of your meal while cooking, plan and share meals ahead of time and create your shopping list so you don’t forget a thing.
When you save a recipe within the app it creates a library for you that you can organize by category – how awesome is that?
2. Mealboard
This app is basically a calendar organized with your meals for the week including the recipes all in one place.
It has the same function as Pepperplate plus let’s you keep track of your pantry inventory to make sure you always have what you need.
3. Lala Lunchbox
This app is genius.
It playfully involves your kid into the meal planning part by turning it into a fun game.
Lala lunchbox will show you what you need for a well balanced meal of protein, fruit and veggies and grains.
They also have delicious recipes right on their website in case you want to try something new.
Which app for stay at home moms is your favorite?
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I love this list of must-have apps for stay at home moms! I’m a stay at home mom myself and these apps have really helped make my life easier.