tips for homeschooling

Ultimate homeschooling tips to make it easier

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Homeschooling and virtual learning is hard

Like many of us parents you probably would’ve never thought this year would go as it did.

Many schools are offering either at home virtual learning or a mix of in person school and virtual.

And a lot of parents have chosen to take their kids completely out of school and start homeschooling.

But how do you even go from full time school to full time homeschooling?

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1. Have a designated space

Depending on how much space you have available in your home it can be very beneficial if your kid has a designated space just for doing home school.

This could be a own small desk in their room or a little corner in the living room.

You can get totally creative and decorate their little school space with fun colors, their name in big letters and more.

It’s best if each child has their own space but in all reality sometimes that is just not possible.

Do the best you can and it will be fine.

Must have for their own school space include:

  • Pencils and notebook
  • Laptop / Chromebook (if they participate in virtual learning)
  • Worksheets and Books
  • Colored Pencils or Crayons
  • A light source (either natural light with a window or a small desk lamp)
  • Scissors and Cardstock

A small desk like this combined with a small organizer for all the pencils is perfect for virtual learning at home.

2. Collaborate

You can absolutely build small study groups with other kids that are being home schooled around the same age.

This is also great for your kids social skills.

While this is pretty difficult with covid right now it is not impossible.

The kids can still have their class over Zoom or any other video platform.

Parents can take turns in being the teacher or choose a crafting project for all kids to finish.

You can even meet outside for a field trip together while still apply social distancing.

If you have a preschool aged kid make sure to grab my free printables.

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3. Take it outside

Who says school has to be inside on a desk all the time?

Let your kids do some hands on learning by taking them outside for a field trip.

Let them count how many flowers, trees etc. they can find in your backyard or any other area you’re taking them to.

You can also make it fun by having a scavenger hunt. (there’s also a fun scavenger hunt in my free printables library)

You can even plan family vacation including helpful school subjects.

Take your kids to old monuments and places to teach them about their history without just reading in text books.

This may also be interesting:
– DIY Busy book
– Creative activities for kids at home

– Potty training in three days
– Moms confess their worst parenting fails
– Free back to school printables

4. Ease into it

Homeschooling is very different and may take some time to adapt.

Take it easy and don’t force anything just because you think it has to be done.

Get your feet wet and see how it goes. You also do not have to completely depend on electronics – the classic textbooks might even work better for your children.

After all you are a parent and not a teacher but you got this!

I believe in you.

5. Your own rules

The good thing about home schooling is that it goes completely by your rules (unlike virtual learning while still being enrolled in school).

You want to do classic school subject and then do hands on learning outside? Go for it.

homeschooling made easy

What other parents say

Kelly from Hope in the Chaos advices parents to slow down and enjoy the time together.

Another great tip from her is to combine subject like history and language arts. Even if there is a large gap in grades/levels.

Susannah from Simple moments stick says:

“It’s so important to me to have a well thought out plan but then to hold that plan lightly and leave room for inspiration to lead us in other directions.”

So basically if you like everything neat and organized it can be very helpful to have a good plan on how to tackle homeschooling.

A little different approach to homeschooling comes from Miranda Zacharius. She thinks that homeschooling is great when you just integrate it in your day.

What makes it easier for her is “Understanding that with homeschooling, you’re not on anyone else’s schedule but what works for you and your student. Throughout history, homeschooling has not been a 6-7 hour a day project. It shapes into your day. It doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s school day, just what works for you and your family.”

And her key to sucess is not to compare yourself to other parents and students.

“Don’t let comparison rob you of your joy. For every one unschooler there are 4 parents that will tell you how their 3 year old can do long division, recite poetry in French, and do their taxes. You’re not competing with everyone. The goal is to develop a life long love of learning in your student and teach them to research effectively so they can be an informed, conscientious adult who is perpetually learning the rest of their days. Not to show up Timmy next door.”

I could not agree more.

tips for virtual learning at home

Another great ideas is to include imaginative play into the whole schooling subject.

“When my son was smaller incorporating imaginative play into the lesson made everything go smoother. It dawned on me one day that while my son resisted school work, he played school FOR FUN. So I started moving real lessons into “play school,” with me giving them as a dinosaur teacher with a funny voice, and both of us playing the various toy students. It made him WANT to do school.”

This tip came from a mom over at Imaginative home school and I love it.

For Susanne from lil tigers it’s all about timing.

Just because normal school starts at 9 doesn’t mean you have to do the same.

“Pick the right time for your child to start homeschooling. You know best when your child is the most productive and can focus best. Choose a time and stick to it so your child knows what to expect and when”

I think this approach is great especially when you have a child that is just absolutely no morning person.

And for you as parent keep in mind this is only temporary.

It won’t be forever this way and while you may have no control over the whole situation right now there is one thing you can control: your attitude towards everything.

There will be times where you are frustrated to the point where you do not want to do it anymore and just give up.

It will not be easy but if you are fully committed to home schooling your children it can be very rewarding.

Do you have another ultimate tip to make homeschooling easier and sucessful?

Do you need ways to keep your kid entertained while working from home? Get fun worksheets, coloring pages and more for free when you subscribe to my emails.
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