Cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers – Which one is the smarter choice?
Pros and cons of cloth diapers and disposable diapers
When it comes to diapers for your newborn baby parents have the choice between using disposable diapers (which probably most of us do) or the use of cloth diapers.
Now when you think of cloth diapers maybe you have a picture in your mind of an old piece of cloth that is just weirdly wrapped around the baby and held in place with a giant safety pin?
Well cloth diapers have developed a lot over the years and definitely are a great alternative to use when you’re debating whether to use disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers.
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Of course you want what is best for your child and think about important points like price and material too.
Some parents also opt for a combination of cloth diapers at home and disposable diapers on the go to make it easier.
Let’s start with one of the biggest differences and maybe the reason why you are thinking about switching to or starting with cloth diapers.
Disposable diapers can be bought anywhere but might be expensive depending on the brand you choose.
Within the first two years of your baby’s life you are looking at about $2.000-$3.000 you are gonna spend on diapers that are landing in the trash.
Cloth diapers are becoming more popular and can be bought in a lot of places too now like walmart or amazon.
If you decide on cloth diapers for your new baby you are looking to spend about $800-$1.000 within the first two years (that’s if you wash them yourself)
Cloth diapers have a pretty long lifespan and can be used for future siblings too.
Pretty big difference already right?

That disposable diapers are not good for the environment with piles of trash is a no-brainer.
Disposable diapers are made of trees and plastic with other materials and will end up as landfill even though some of them are biodegradable and take years to decompose.
On the other hand cloth diapers use a lot of water and electricity because they constantly have to be washed BUT they are not gonna land in the trash until they are not usable anymore which can take years and multiple kids using them.
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When it comes to comfort both are pretty good for your baby.
As long as you change your baby soon enough when the diapers are full you’ll be happy with either.
Leaving diapers on your baby’s skin for too long can irritate the skin and cause rashes.
Cloth diapers might not be as breathable but made of a softer material and in general with way less chemicals.
Being convenient
Of course it’s a lot easier to just use a diaper and then dump it like you do with disposable diapers.
Also disposable diaper changes are a lot faster right?
Cloth diapers nowadays are pretty easy to handle with velcro and snaps and can be changed just as quick as you would change a disposable diaper.
You can also buy them in different design instead of just plain white like the old days.
Cloth diapers also do have a waterproof band around the belly and legs to prevent leaking and the removable linings to absorb any liquids.
The only downside with cloth diapers here is that they are not as absorbent and need to be changed more frequently.
So what are the pros and cons of cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers in a nutshell?
Cloth diapers
– can be used for siblings later
– less trash
– eco friendly
– save money in the long run
– reusable
– can be used for siblings later
– less absorbent (more diaper changes)
– expensive to buy at first
– more laundry
– carry soiled diapers home with you
Disposable diapers
– super convenient
– variety of sizes available
– very absorbent (less changes compared to cloth diapers)
– toss them on the go
– bad for the environment
– chemicals
– possible causing allergic reactions
– tabs rip easily
So when it comes down to it I would probably opt for a combination of cloth diapers at home and whenever you are out and about using disposable diapers simply because it makes things a lot easier.
Are you interested in using cloth diapers?
Here are a few good tips from my friend Jasmin who has been using cloth diapers for over two years:
Start using them after the first few black poops or they will be ruined.
You should buy at least 20-30 cloth diapers with inserts to have a good stash on hand.
If you have poop stains that won’t come out – lay the diaper in the sun after washing. Works like a charm!
Is there a specific brand of cloth diapers you like?
I use Alvababy, they are not that expensive and had good reviews.
You can get them on Amazon in a lot of adorable designs.
Do you have more great tips for using cloth diapers?
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